In the Harvard Hotseat: Sarah Attwood
Jo Jamieson
13 Nov 2014
Tell us about your role.
I’m an Account Executive. I spend my days pitching, writing and schmoozing to achieve great results for my clients
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An artist.
What gets you up in the morning now?
A cup of tea.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in PR today?
Get experience. We all know that the job market is tough these days, but having experience in the PR industry will go a long way in helping you to get your first PR job.
What’s the best thing about working for Harvard/Good Relations Group?
Free breakfast on a Friday 😉 No it’s actually the people. Not only are the teams great, but the clients are great too.
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party, dead or alive?
Mary Berry, David Tennant, Stephen Fry, Kate Middleton, Tom Hiddleston … the list could go on.
PR is all about boozy lunches, isn’t it? What’s your tipple?
A glass of prosecco – keeping it classy 😉
What would you do if you weren’t working in PR?
Own a cake shop and bake all day.
Tell us about your first mobile phone
Nokia 3310 – it was pretty crap.
Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp?
Always Instagram.
Kindle or actual book?
Actual book – I love the smell of a good book (I know that sounds weird…)
Where would like to go before you die?
I would love to go to South America and do the Inca trail. I would also love to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef.